Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting started...taking the next BIG step :D

This is my first post...finally i am starting to pen down my thoughts after years of hiding my diaries so that my sister does not get hold of them to make fun of my fanatic and 'fantastic' dreams and thoughts (she has done that, and embarrassed me in front of one and all, a zillion times). Wishing that a place so public, yet so personal helps me throw out all my bizarre thoughts, views and aspirations. Hope to have a good time here, thats the most important thing after all!

I am not much of a person who lives in past, at least I dont wish to do that. So in my blogs I am gonna talk about my today and after-today, share some cool stuff I come across, critique on issues of common concern, gossip (i am a woman :P), and produce and reproduce my descriptive "Fantastic things TO DO" list.

I am planning to upgrade my CV a lil, and taking the so called ‘next-step’ in my career. The top item in my latest ‘to do’ list is – to get a 700+ score in GMAT. Therefore, the most happening thing going on in my life these days is GMAT, which has made my otherwise social weekends so non-happening. I am planning to take the exam in late August, thats about just two months from now. All my blogs in the next two months are going to be about my exam only.

Till I return to my normal self, I will strategise and share the strategies (what exactly they gonna be, I dont have much of a clue yet) regularly.

P.S. – If I get a 700+, I will buy myself a guitar, and get guitar tuition :)